Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Time: 2-5:30 pm
Location: The Shire, 5441 Cheshire Rd., Galena OH 43021
Facilitators: Janice George E-RYT500 and Sat Puran E-RYT500, CYT
The purpose of Hatha Yoga, the yoga of movement, is often defined as the stilling of the mind so we can drop into our fullness, and it can be difficult to go from movement to stillness. This workshop offers 3 types of yoga (somatic, restorative and yin) that help to bridge that gap and slowly allows the nervous system to regulate and come into balance. With that, comes greater ease.
Somatic Yoga helps retrain the brain, allowing the muscles to unwind and patterns of holding to relax and return to their natural state of well being.
Restorative Yoga is a deeply healing practice where the body is fully supported. It is an essential practice in our very busy world. BKS Iyengar believed that Restorative Yoga should be done weekly to maintain health and daily when recovering from illness or injury. When the body can totally relax the mind can begin to quiet as well. The inner healer can be revealed when the body is given permission to relax and open. Tension can be released which allows the toxins that may have become stored-up due to physical and energetic blockages to be discharged. Restorative poses offer benefits to both the body and mind, for conditions both acute and chronic. According to Judith Lasater, “Restorative Yoga calms the nervous system, brings deep relaxation and alleviates health problems caused or worsened by stress”.
On the surface Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga can seem similar however their intentions are different, In both practices, the postures are held for an extended period of time to maximize the benefits. Yin Yoga is a more active practice that targets the fascia of the body. In recent years, fascia has increasingly been a subject of research, which has led to understanding how important it is to overall health. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Fascia is the thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin”. That simple definition demonstrates how important fascia is. Fascia connects the entire body. Without fascia, the body would fall to the floor in a heap because there would be nothing to hold it together. In addition, having nerves means it is a vehicle of communication between the various parts of the body. It also serves as an essential lubricant.
In this workshop we will explore both these deeply healing practices, modifications for specialty populations and how to integrate these offerings in a class or workshop.
Workshop fee: $60.00 ($55.00 for SYI graduates)
Yoga Alliance-approved CEUs: 3.5
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